


“Revenger” is a Korean original anime series produced by Studio Bakken Record. The show takes place in the distant future, where humanity has colonized other planets and uses advanced technology to enhance their bodies. The story revolves around a young man named Jimmy, who seeks revenge against the group of people who killed his family.

The show premiered on February 21, 2021, and is available to stream on Netflix.

The most important characters in “Revenger” include:

Jimmy – The main protagonist, who is on a mission to avenge his family’s death.

Mike – A former member of the criminal organization responsible for Jimmy’s family’s death, who helps Jimmy on his journey.

Scarlet – A young woman who works as a doctor and helps Jimmy with his injuries.

Cao-Lung – The leader of the criminal organization responsible for Jimmy’s family’s death.

Pai – A member of the criminal organization and Cao-Lung’s right-hand man.

Megan – A mysterious woman who appears to have a connection to Jimmy’s past.


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